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Foto do escritorColégio de S. Tomás

This year we went on a Safari to South Africa. The children were excited as they experienced the South African culture firsthand.

The flag parade announced the beginning of this great week of full immersion and hands-on learning. All the children cheered as they waved their South African flag. We danced and listened to various South African songs and did our English is alive dance!

We made African crafts with the help of our art teachers. The boys made traditional African shields, headbands, and masks. The girls made African necklaces and bracelets. We paraded them around for our friends to see.

We read traditional South African books and explored artifacts. We went on safari where we registered animals and pointed out their characteristics. Sports day was a lot of fun! Vasco Uva, a rugby player from the Portuguese national team, came to teach us about rugby. We also made some South African friends and got to learn about their daily lives. They gave us recipes which we tried out in class.

We ended our days by having various treats from South Africa like koeksisters, milk tart and banana bread. It was a great week​

Madalena Fontoura

Provocadas pelas palavras de Alessandro D’Avenia...

“Surpreendam-nos (aos alunos) com a vida, aquela que está dentro de séculos de descobertas, conhecimentos, factos, livros. Deixem-nos tocar essa vida. Eles não voltarão atrás. Saberão que têm um professor à sua frente. Palavra maravilhosa que significa “professar”, quase como uma fé, a matéria da vossa disciplina. Se professarem essa fé, eles tocarão pelas vossas mãos as coisas que desejam: o verdadeiro, o bom e o belo."

...lançámo-nos nas aulas de religião a discutir o que é a religião e o sentido religioso.

E nesta primeiríssima aula um aluno lança a pergunta:

“E como é que eu encontro a verdade?"

A beleza e profundidade da pergunta impelem-nos a ir ainda mais longe durante este ano nesta busca em conjunto.

Madalena Fontoura e Catarina Lory Rito

Mais São Tomás
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